The Promise He Hath Promised Us

The Promise He Hath Promised Us

AS WE TURN INTO THE EPISTLES OF JOHN, I JOHN 2:25., we are reading concerning this area of Mystery and he says: ‘The promise HE hath promised us, even Eternal Life. Therefore that ye might be able to abide that ‘this’ is what ye heard from the beginning. If that which ye have heard from the beginning shall remain in you, ye also shall continue in embodiment as a son, and in the Father’. And this is the promise which He hath promised us, yes, even Eternal Life.

Alright: we have heard this since Ancient times, from the beginning, and HE wants us to understand this. Then it begins to dawn on us that as we are embodied sons of God, elect of the Most High, therefore it dawns on us in our embodiment, and it also unifies us again with the Mind or Will of the Father.

Now; perhaps we should go back into a quick review of what we had to say on this subject, ‘the Oracles of God’, so that you can catch the theme of the connection with this promise. The Oracles of God are the deep and abiding truths of God which are known only unto the race which is begotten of HIM, who are spirit of His Spirit and life of His Life. The Oracles of YAHWEH (God) are never perceived by anyone else.