The Chalice or The Crown Palm Sunday

The Chalice or The Crown Palm Sunday

PRAYER; ALMIGHTY AND ETERNAL FATHER, AGAIN WE COME INTO THY PRESENCE AS THEY CHILDREN, thankful that you have given unto us an inspiration of thy spirit, this reserved unto us in the Word, which you spake unto thy prophets. That you unveiled by the administration of thy own ministry, and have preserved unto us unto our time, thru the documents of the scriptures. And words which were spoken unto us by thy apostles and by the revelation of thy spirit, and thru the communications of the household of thy people.

We are thankful that our people can say ‘Our Father which art in heaven.’ That we know the eternalness of thy kingdom because it has been established in earth by thy people. And we are looking forward to thy word being covenanted with us. To the establishment of thy kingdom in power with majesty and with Glory. That thy majesty shall be known from one end of the earth to the other. And thy Glory and thy Peace shall be resolved upon earth, and which shall acknowledge thee.

The powers of thy kingdom shall be restored to establish thy kingdom forever. And in the process, destroy the powers of darkness. And this power of righteousness and Glory is something which we are all a part of. We thank thee our Father, that in this hour when these events are taking place that there is this sure promise. And with this promise comes abiding hope in the face of the gains of the forces of darkness in our environment and the successes of those who would destroy thy kingdom.