France’s National Day of Prayer

France’s National Day of Prayer

AN INVOCATION OF OR PRAYER TO ANYONE LESS THAN GOD ALMIGHTY IS A HERESY AND A BLASPHEMY which, ns St. Peter has told us, above shall bring “swift destruction,” and after the events of the night of our Lord’s arrest and trial no one should know better the truth of that than St. Peter himself. Did we not see this exemplified quite recently in the National Life of France, that poor Country now lying under the heel of the NAZI Devil-ridden regime? On France’s last day of National Prayer she called upon her relics and idols to deliver her from the oncoming Hordes of Germans soldiery. We quote the actual report, taken from the Dublin Standard, of the prayers used in Paris on that day:—

Led by the Cardinal and her Prime Ministers, France invoked in a mighty act of Faith all the great leaders of that Christian past which has made her. High on the shoulders of boy scouts the priceless reliquaries of the Crown of Thorns and of St. Louis (King Louis 9th died 1270) the King were carried over the heads of the faithful, whilst from the pulpit a mitred Prelate implored, his arms outstretched to heaven, all the Saints of France, in a paroxysm of beseeching faith:—‘Come thou our Lady and thou St. Michael, thou St. Genevieve who protected Paris; thou Louis, model of all Monarchs, thou Joan of Arc, Liberator of our territory, thou simple Cure d’Ars, and little Theresa, who have sprung from our homesteads, come to our help, all of you, Saints of France.’