Not a New Doctrine

Not a New Doctrine

TO MANY OF YOU, THE IDEA THAT THE ANGLO-SAXON-GERMANIC-SCANDINAVIAN NATIONS ARE THE ISRAEl of the Bible is startling, because you have not heard it until recently; and you wonder, why haven’t I heard this from the beginning? But deep students of the Bible have known it a long time. During the centuries when other empires were dominant, general knowledge of the Israel identity would have been premature, for It would have aroused the jealousy and hatred of these other empires before we were strong enough to deal with them; but since we have come to national maturity, the knowledge has been available to those who cared to learn the truth. There have been a number of books on this subject, such as “The Lost Ten Tribes”, by Rev. Dr. Joseph Wild, published in 1883, “The Fullness of Nations” by Aldersmith, of London, published in 1889; “Lost Israel Found” by Edward Hine, published in England in the 1870s; and the many brilliant books written by Professor Totten of Yale University, published in the 1880’s and 1890’s. But I want to tell you of a lecture given before the United States Congress.

It  was by Rev. F. E. Pitts, of Nashville, Tennessee, in which he identified the United States as the land of re-gathered Israel, and the scene of much of the final War, the so called Battle of Armageddon, as pictured in Ezekiel 38 and 39. Since 1855, Rev. Pitts had been lecturing on this subject across the nation, resulting in this invitation to speak before Congress.