Wednesday Night Bible Study – 7th January 1963

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 7th January 1963

QUESTION: Who are the Hunza people of Northern India? Are they white people? We would like a comment on these people.

ANSWER: When Alexander the Great was pushing toward the East and finally stormed the heights of the Himalayas, he was preparing for an attack upon India. Alexander the Great was basically, of course, in his recognition of white leadership. For he thought that with Macedonia and Greece united, he would have a strong opportunity to carry the areas of victory over to the Aryan Persians. The Aryan Persians came down from the North. They had fought no battles were moving for a pincher movement upon the Mongolians coming out of the Steppes. Alexander wanted to move with one force of his army across the Himalayas while with the other, he would move down on India where Hinduism was running rampant. His design was to crush Hinduism and put white leadership over the areas of India and join with the white Persians coming down out of the Steppes. And of course the strong Aryan control which has been over India had been somewhat overturned by this massive Hindu area of victories. The Emperor had fought against the Aryan Emperor. And the Aryan Emperor was over the most populated and civilized area of India, but the Hindu Emperor had gathered the great masses of Hindus back along the mountain ranges of the Himalayas. And realizing there was an Aryan Emperor who had left the areas of his basic throne, and had moved into Mantelet, this Hindu Emperor moved in. The concept of Alexander the Great was to push for the conquest of India. He also wanted to bring this other arm of his forces up to join with the Persians. And then they would come down through the passes into India.