I Give You Power

I Give You Power

WE TURN THIS AFTERNOON IN OUR THINKING OF THE STRANGE DESIGNS all over the world levelled against God’s Kingdom, seeking to level its power, seeking to get the surrender of many women into the areas of promised security that does not proceed forth from the Grace of God. There seems to be a great desire everywhere for people to acquire security. In fact Lucifer has made this one of his main talking points in the areas of his operations. And he continues offering the program of his kingdom as the program which offers security. He tells the people of this world that it is only when they surrender their ability and retain their individualism, only when they separate themselves from their ability to defend themselves, or their nations from remaining in their proper relationships in the purposes of God. Only then can they maintain security. More than that there are more pulpits, in America today that are preaching this design for security, than there are those preaching the design of God’s kingdom, so long provided.

We have long been told that Lucifer is a deceiver and he never operates in the area of telling the truth. But he is very persuasive in making it look like white is black and vice versa. So it is in this instance that we are being told day by day, that we are a powerless people. And only as all the world unites, and surrenders her ability to retain her identity that we can have security or peace.