Beware of Agent Provocateur

Beware of Agent Provocateur

The agent provocateur may be a paid, or unpaid agent enlisted by the enemies of our folk. His function is to infiltrate, disrupt, and/or destroy.

Like a Trojan Horse, the agent provocateur works to destroy our folkish communities from within. He does this by first winning the trust and confidence of those he has targeted.

There are two kinds of provocateurs: the soft provocateur, and the hard provocateur. Both are dangerous to the kindred, so be on guard.

The soft provocateur is an expert at the three D’s of destruction: Dissension, distraction, and disruption.

His arsenal includes fabrications, distortions, misrepresentations, and misinformation. He spreads slander systematically and craftily; seeking to undermine the kindred leadership, and thus deny it of it’s driving force.

He plants seeds of doubt with the object of turning the kindreds attentions away from folkish activity, and instead diverting it and it’s resources against itself. His modus operandi is: divide and conquer!