Communications With God

Communications With God

As we turn in our subject this afternoon, “Communications with God” this is one of the most valuable subjects that you and I could discuss. Because there is no more important area of subjects to discuss than to have communications with God, and be informed on all things. More than this the communications with God is a very vital subject, for the household of God. To the family of God, to the descendants of God. To the race which HE established, to the kingdom which He established. And from the areas of the direction and how to bring about all these things, all of this requires communication with God.

We are in a strange and peculiar time. For in our time we find that the National Council of Churches, and the World Council of Churches no longer hold a solid position on the Deity of God. The embodiment of God as the man Christ Jesus or the work of the Holy Spirit. In fact just a few weeks ago we listened to one from the World Council of Churches as he said that God is just a vast feeling of emotions, that could be called back by people as a force of nature. Not a real personality but just a kind of moving emotional thing. Then another man inside these two councils of churches said that all gods are a kind of man’s expression, as to what he believes as the highest principal. Thus God is a principal and therefore we should worship this principal as a common force of all human advancement.