Cities of The Anti-Christ

Cities of The Anti-Christ

Tonight we are considering a master plan being used by those who would take over the world, who would rule over your nation, and every Christian nation and reduce all to a status of political and social slavery. There are a great many people who when you talk to them about Anti-Christ are very much disturbed. Some are willing to debate that there is no anti-Christ. But I do not think that you have to go very far in the world today before you will admit that there is an anti-Christ and that the spirit of anti-Christ is already here.

Let us turn to the Epistles of John I, II, and III, for he truly outlined for you what the anti-Christ is and how its operation affects you. Those who deny that Jesus is the Christ are anti-Christ, and they have no concept of God, nor do they have any part of the Living God if they do not accept the fact that Jesus is the Christ.

This is also an interesting fact as we survey the Clergy who have been taken over by the enemy who has invaded the Church. There are a great number of them who have invaded the church. There are a great number of them who have invaded the church to carry out a great part of the brain-washing of the people of the Christian Church. I point out to you that psychiatry is a great part of this, and they brag about this in Bucharest and Romania when they brag about training Communists to infiltrate the Christ seminaries of Methodist, Baptist, and other with churches, then have them enter the pulpit as graduated, and fully credited as full Clergymen of this movement, where they put out the doctrines of the Revolution and seek to continually separate people from the areas of their Faith. In this process they also tell the church what their responsibility is in their teaching in the areas of Christ, but of course they do not believe that Christ was anything but just a man, and as such they reinterpret His teachings. The fact is that they do not make this admission to the church at large, for if they had brought out how they felt they would have been thrown out before they graduated from the seminary.