New Ensign 181 September 2024

Who Can Make War With The Beast?

Many readers will be familiar with the various beasts mentioned in the book of Revelation, some having several heads and 10 horns when finally the 8th beast arises with 2 horns.

The different beasts represent various phases of control over the nations and Israelite empires symbolised as mountains in the Bible. The Bible, refers to this evil controlling power as mystery Babylon because its control is secret. Since the demise of the original Babylon, it is still very much with us, having moved its location and is now located in the City of London, Vatican City and Washington DC – the three evil frogs of Revelation!

The horns, except for the little horn, are the tribes of Israel. Ten horns (Levi, the civil servants and Judah the sceptre tribe amongst all the tribes). Horns represent government, hence the little horn because it was a very small tribe compared to true Israel, it arose in the midst of all the other tribes, till eventually it controlled all the tribes. People today remark how is it possible, this tribe could have taken control of all the western nations?

The eighth beast (Baphomet) represented as having 2 horns of a lamb, but spake as a dragon, this of course is the Roman Catholic Church and Protestant Church, whose flag is a red cross on a white background with a lamb holding a brown cross (the C of E being the original Protestant church).

The reason for the biblical description of beasts, for the evil rulers is that, that is precisely what they are as defined by Yahweh because they are Non Adamic humanoids lacking the spirit of Yahweh in their soul.

We are instructed to come out of the Babylonian Beast System, lest Yahweh’s judgment upon it, be on us also. We his people are the horns of the beast, by disengaging, its power will be severely diminished, for it is but a little horn!

Its heartening to report that many are doing just this throughout the Western nations, although a trickle at the moment, it will become a flood!

Our brothers who through their diligence in studying the law have found the key that opens the prison door we’re in and are willing to help others. More about this in the next edition. Praise Yahweh the power of His Word which becomes a sword when an “s” is put in front of it!!

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Ensign Message Magazine

This magazine is for private subscription only
and is not in any way connected to The Ensign
Message Magazine

New Ensign 181 September 2024
New Ensign 181 September 2024

September 2024 issue of The New Ensign Magazine. 40pp PDF

New Ensign 180 August 2024

Before Its Too Late

The distractions continue apace with the attempted assassination of Trump, clearly all theatre, with the blood bag in his ear, to give him an advantage in the forthcoming elections. Then we have the farce of the UK election, where Labour gets into “power” to become the new puppets of the real government hidden away in the City of London.

However, one must remain optimistic. On the ground (as opposed to the insulated unreality of the political class) and throughout the western nations, people are drawing a line in the sand and refusing to comply with the tyranny that has been so prevalent over the last four years, in particular.

The Bible, is the book of our white Adamic race, 78% which is about Law as reflected in our Common Law.

Many are familiar with the story of Jonah and the wale and Yahweh’s pending Judgment on Nineveh. Jonah went to the leaders of that city and warned them, that if they did not repent and return to the law of God, terrible judgment would come upon them, but they heeded the warning and were spared. They did not all become pious and go to church and pray – but kept the divine Law! There is a lesson for us today here!

The good news is, that there are groups all over Great Britain springing up educating and helping people deal with lawless authority. Some also have their own enforcement agents.

This needs to be expanded, so eventually power will be brought back down to Parish level, where it used to be in the days of Merry England or the dark ages to the usurers, who were not able to practice their art! Why don’t you find your nearest group and together with Yahweh on our side we will remove tyranny from our land – Praise Yahweh!!

This magazine is for private subscription only
and is not in any way connected to The Ensign
Message Magazine

New Ensign 180 August 2024
New Ensign 180 August 2024

August 2024 issue of The New Ensign Magazine. 40pp PDF