Wednesday Night Bible Study 29th March 1967

Wednesday Night Bible Study 29th March 1967

QUESTION: The two houses laying in the street in Revelation as to witnesses?

ANSWER: These are Church and State, one is the nation or state of Israel, the other is the spiritual side of Israel. They are in bondage, not for 42 months, but as we approach this end of the age there is a falling away and we are in it now. When all the world is going “hippy” and all this fantastic folderal is going on then it tells us we are in the time of the “falling away.” This is going on all over, thousands of young people in all kinds of patterns of morality, and dressing in this style and defying the patterns of law, are being held up as something new and wonderful. This is a symbol of the World rejoining, but it is going on all the time in India and in Africa where they have gone completely berserk.

In Europe they are having the same kind of trouble we are having with these people. At the same time they claim that the church is forsaken so they join them in all their apostasy, so we see this is true. When we take a look at the Methodist church in San Francisco and Oakland, they take no stand against immorality and homosexuality. The message of the church seems to be that God is dead, everybody love everybody, join the world. They teach the areas of theology, to get along with everybody by joining them, but they don’t oppose anything, or anybody.