Wednesday Night Bible Study 26th June 1968

Wednesday Night Bible Study 26th June 1968

QUESTION: (tape) Concerning the factors of Sonship, the questions of this individual are due to the theologians explanations through the years concerning the philosophical developments which they throw to spiritual powers that makes sons of God out of them by some mental attitude they take.

Now, with all realization that truth changes the outlook of the individual, still they have to have the capacity to receive this. It the thing they hear does not erect an image in their mind comparable to the thing which God is expressing, then the whole process is not being recorded and communicated as the spirit intends. In other words, Jesus said: ‘It is given to you to know the Mysteries of the Kingdom of heaven, to them it is not given.’ This is hard for some people to understand. They think the whole world has had truth given to them. This is not true.

The whole program of God’s Kingdom in the earth is to subdue the powers of darkness. And to again, release the people of the earth from the trouble they fell into under the Luciferian rebellion. When we deal with years of time and history, we are not dealing with something which just passes in the night. The program of God to transfer a Celestial household from Heaven to earth is one of the great mysteries of scripture. In fact, the Adamic race has a specific part to play in history as different and distinct from other people.