Wednesday Night Bible Study 13th November 1968

Wednesday Night Bible Study 13th November 1968

ANSWER: Will try to answer some questions coming in form the tape.

QUESTION: What did Jesus mean when He told Peter “Get thee behind me Satan”? (Mark 8:33) When a certain speaker came to Idaho, he said Jesus and Peter were of the same lineage?

ANSWER: Well, this is not so in a specific line. They were not of the same family household. Peter was a Galilean and David was a Judean out of the house of Judah. Peter was not of that household, but they were both Israelites. They were just not of the same household of the same race. “Get thee behind me Satan”, Jesus was teaching the disciples that He must suffer many things. That He must be rejected by the Elders and the Chief Priests, be killed, then after three days, rise again. Peter began to argue with Him. No understanding. So Jesus said ‘get thee behind me Satan’. In other words, you don’t understand the things of God.