Wednesday Night Bible Study 13th March 1968

Wednesday Night Bible Study 13th March 1968

QUESTION: The Jews: what did Jesus say about them?

ANSWER: You are the children of the serpent. You are the worshipers of Shama of Merriot, of Mardoc. Because they are the blood gods and goddesses. And Kali was the wife of Lucifer and she was a blood goddess. The Jews were the ones who established these temples in India. And they sacrificed human sacrifices before Kali. This is the reason why they always hated the white man, the Aryan.

This is the reason they used the Assassins and Thuggies to seize Aryans. They served Kali the mother goddess. And over in Egypt, the evil one was Set. And they sacrificed human sacrifices. And Israelites even started doing this. There was a mixed multitude which came out of Egypt with Moses and the children of Israel. And when Moses was up on the mountain, this mixed multitude, with their Jewish Priests came along and induced the Israelites to build this golden calf. And they slaughtered children in from of this golden calf. When Moses came down the mountain and discovered this, he broke the plates. So God called him back up the mountain. But these Jews were trying to set up this worship of Isis, Kali, Set and so forth because this is their blood lust. They would sacrifice children. They used blood to bake these cakes to the Queen of Heaven. Each cake had a little human blood in it. They are blood thirsty. This is ritual murder carried on by these high and powerful ancient Priests of Baal.