Wednesday Night Bible Study 10th January 1968

Wednesday Night Bible Study 10th January 1968

QUESTION: When it says that the graves will open at the resurrection, who is coming out of those graves?

ANSWER: The dead in Christ first. Then we who are alive and remain. The difference between the dead rising and we joining them is the ‘twinkling of an eye’. That is pretty fast. In other words, this is the sign of the resurrection of the righteous dead. And ever since Christ’s resurrection from the dead as He brought forth captivity captive and led them on high, there has been no Adamite, no white man, no Christian who has gone through the Netherworld. Lucifer has never had any white man imprisoned there from that time on. There has been no Nether plains for them. There is no perdition or Hell or anything else.

When Christ returns He brings with HIM all the Celestial family. Absent from this body, is to be present with the LORD. This is what the Apostle Paul said: ‘Therefore their bodies are raised from the grave first. And then we who remain, also have our bodies transformed in the twinkling of an eye. They are to be raised in atmospheric breathing physical bodies. They are not caught up into the air. They will be in air breathing bodies. The kind they left. Only these bodies join those that return and they will have immortality, not being subject to death.