Wednesday Night Bible Study – 1st December 1965

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 1st December 1965

QUESTION: (tape audience) asking for an explanation of the 82nd Psalm. For there seems to be some confusion in it.

ANSWER: Not really. The 82nd Psalm is probably the most important passage in the scripture as it relates to the identity of the Divine Household in the earth. It deals with a conversation which God gives through David to the Elect.

“God standeth in the congregation of the mighty, he judgeth among the Gods”, then “Hear O Israel the LORD thy God is ONE LORD” and “Is there any gods beside me, no I know not any.” All of these things God through out the writings of Isaiah and other places is talking about pagan gods, all mythological gods who are no gods. But when God standeth in the congregation of the mighty among the Gods, then the word is Elohim. This then makes sense, because this is a conversation YAHWEH the eternal God had with the Elohim. Here is the Eternal father speaking to his offspring, then they are thus Elohim, or Gods. Therefore they have a divine quality, so YAHWEH speaks in the congregation of the Mighty and judgeth among the Elohim, and He said: -“How long will you judge unjustly and accept the person of the wicked?” The Elohim are those of the Adamic race who came to earth, and then fell in the Luciferian fall, as this race bowed to temptation and cunning. But they did not lose their Sonship by this process, they are still the issue of the MOST HIGH GOD. They are still the children whom He has begotten. Come over to the book of Isaiah where God talks about how he created the Universe, and all therein, and then makes this statement concerning His sons; “Thus saith YAHWEH the holy one of Israel, the master of Israel, “Ask me concerning my sons”. In this declaration he makes this statement about His sons, and then in the 82nd., Psalm he says: “How long will you accept the persons of the wicked? And he tells them that since they are sons, then act like sons and defend the poor, and the needy, the fatherless; do justice to the afflicted, and rid them of the hands of the wicked.