Why The Church Must War on Communism

Why The Church Must War on Communism

IN THIS PARTICULAR TIME, WE HAVE STRANGE AND PECULIAR VOICES RAISING IN OUR LAND. And they have a great impact upon communications. And they are seeking to make those who war on Communism, suspect. Strangely enough, whereas those in the past have been fighting communism and opposing this as a terrible evil and as a mental political disease sweeping the world. And now they are to be looked on as a anti-social, and intolerant and suspect people, because there is a change taking place in our land.

A fifth column of inassimilable refugees have been pouring into America for the last forty years. We have had a tremendous pickup in the invasion of our society during and after WWII. In fact during this time great numbers of them fled into our country who were trying to put over a Socialist Communist Revolution in the heart of Europe. And with the rise of the forces of Central Europe, and because of circumstances, they could no longer operate there, they left this area. Because of the fear of being thrown into concentration camps for their part in the communist revolution.

And strangely enough, they came with the cry of refugees. They came in a fifth column and invaded these United States bringing their propaganda and their communist program. More than this, we have in the patterns that followed, we have at the end of WWII, a supposed ally, the Soviet Union, who was actually the most deadly enemy the United States ever had.