Whom Did Moses Marry?

Whom Did Moses Marry?

YOU ARE ALL FAMILIAR WITH THE FAMOUS SAYING, “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.” This is true: A LITTLE knowledge is never enough; it never gets beyond half-truths which mislead one into false beliefs. This is more consistently true in the field of religion than in all other fields. I am frequently challenged on some point by someone who has just this little half-truth knowledge and thinks that he has found a fallacy in the Bible’s great truth that God’s people Israel are known today as the Aryan, Anglo-Saxon, Scandinavian and Teutonic peoples, and they they are, and always have been, under God’s command to keep their race pure.

One instance of this, is the challenge frequently made, “Why should­n’t Whites marry Negroes? Moses married an Ethiopian woman.” They base this upon the way Numbers 12:1 reads in their King James’ Version Bible, “And Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married; for he had married an Ethiopian woman.” Christian­ity has never laboured under a greater curse than the many mistranslations in the King James Version — and some of them are even followed in some other translations because these errors have become traditional. Bible scholars know that there are many thousand mistranslations in the King James’ Version of the Bible; the eminent scholar Robert Young, author of Young’s Analytical Concordance to the Bible and of Young’s Literal translation of the Bible says in the preface to his Literal Translation, that in the King James’ version, “there are scarcely two consecutive verses where there Is not some departure from the original * * and these variations may be counted by tens of thousands, as admitted on all hands.”