When Earth Fights For The Kingdom

When Earth Fights For The Kingdom

TONIGHT AS WE ARE DISCUSSING HOW THE EARTH FIGHTS FOR THE KINGDOM, the events of the time should show us not only the lateness of the hour but show us that the pattern of the enemy has not changed nor his nature reformed. We hold no grief tonight for the removal of the first secretary of the Communist party, Mr. Khrushchev. We do not feel that he was any milder or any better than any of the others who were a part of the great Soviet conspiracy.

How often we have heard the threatening warning roll from the lips of Mr. Khrushchev in the United Nations when he addressed them, or even in the City of Los Angeles, when a guest in this city. When he said ‘I will bury you.’ And we will not forget that we had one mayor in the city of Los Angeles who stood up and embarrassed the State Department. He made a very apt prophecy when he said to Mr. Khrushchev, “You are not going to bury us. But if you try, we will bury you.” And the State Department got the shivers. And they said, “We don’t think a mayor in the United States should say such an insulting thing to our guest.” But he was not our guest, my friends.
One must not forget that when America was pouring out millions and millions of dollars to combat the Communist menace and when we were supposedly to see that we had the arms to hold back the Communist aggression, that we received this head of the Communist regime here in the United States. And as his plane landed in the Washington, D.C. airport, there he was received by President Eisenhower.