What is Religion?

What is Religion?

OF THE MANY VOICES COMPETING FOR THE NATION’S ATTENTION, very few dare tell a really substantial part of the truth in the fields of politics or economics; and those few who do are subjected to the most evil and vicious smear campaign imaginable. Even in the field of religion, very few dare tell all the truth; and those few are called “bigots”. Not very many have the courage to face such a campaign of abuse, so many who know the truth are silent. Naturally, nothing like this could escape the foreknowledge of God: it is one of the signs of the Time of the End. So God prophesied, in Amos 5:13, that “The prudent shall keep silence in that time, for it is an evil time.”

Therefore, only a small portion of the people have the opportunity, today, to hear the full truth in any of these vitally important fields -‑‑ which today are becoming literally “matters of life or death.” Instead, they hear the constant repetition of propaganda aimed to influence public action or inaction in a way to serve the interests of those who control the media of public information. Particularly unfortunate is the fact that most people do not get to hear the word of God on these matters ‑‑- ­matters which God considered important enough to give us specific warnings about. But again, this was foretold by God Himself, also through the Prophet Amos: “Behold, the days come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land: not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord.” (Amos 8: 11)