The Venom of The Asp Versus The Water of Life

The Venom of The Asp Versus The Water of Life

WE TURN TONIGHT TO SURVEY THE SITUATIONS IN WHICH WE LIVE, and we find in this picture the backdrop of identity and the position which God has unveiled in the Scripture which makes the conditions we see in the earth. This afternoon we discussed some of the issues around the Sovereignty of God and the realization that belongs to every child of God the ultimate and absolute triumph. Because He is God and never will be less than God. And with all the things He has purposed and all the things He has planned we find that the ultimate purpose of God for the Universe and all that is in it is for good. There is no purpose upon His part for destroying or crushing or removing from existence, anywhere in His Universe, that which He has purposed, and that which He has created.

However there are situations which take place in the earth in which there are conditions of change in that the powers of darkness in this hour who are in revolt against God and must be crushed and suppressed. In this situation the Kingdom of God in all Majesty must come in, to bring about the evidence of His Sovereignty, and develop His purposes in earth. The greatness of God’s purposes and His Mercy reaches out to the very ends of the earth. Reaches out to all the creatures He has created, and to all the species that exist upon it. But in the magnitude of His great purposes we look out today on this turbulent world, and see it torn with the forces of Darkness and with evil.