The Time of Jacob’s Trouble

The Time of Jacob’s Trouble

TONIGHT WE ARE SPEAKING ON THE SUBJECT, “THE TIME OF JACOB’S TROUBLE.” When we announced we were going to speak on this subject little could we know the course of events which would take place. However, we gave a prophetic preview in 1963 in which we told of the seriousness of this hour through which we have just passed. We told you of the strange measures in the sky, and how they would effect the Presidency. But let us turn for a moment to the book of Jeremiah to the 30th., chapter and the seventh verse and we read:

“Alas for that day is great, and there is none like it, for it is even the time of Jacob’s trouble:” but out of that verse also comes these words: “And he shall be saved out of It.” but it still remains the time of Jacob’s trouble.

We turn also to the book of Daniel and look at this declaration concerning Michael the Archangel, and this is a most significant declaration because Michael the Archangel is referred to in the 12th., chapter of Revelation as the power who led the Mighty hosts of heaven, and the forces of YAHWEH (God) in the battle for the defeat of the Dragon and his forces of darkness. There in the 12th., chapter of Revelation, in all Protestant Bibles, as well as the Catholic Bible, all identify Lucifer and the Luciferian forces as the dragon. All Tell of how Michael the Archangel, and the armies of heaven threw the Lucifer and his followers out of the heavens. How he was cast to earth and there continues his warfare against this race of people who have the Testimony of Jesus the Christ, and the commandments of God.