The Strategy For Victory

The Strategy For Victory

ONE of the most important things for you to know is to know the mind of God. And the only people who can know the mind of God are people who can think in the same wavelength as HE thinks. People who can understand the mind of God can understand HIS purposes and HIS revelations.This we know. You cannot learn this by going to a Jewish synagogue. Not one single Jew can understand the mind of God. Did you know that? In the Gospel of John, Jesus talks to these people and HE calls them liars and murderers from the beginning. And HE says that they cannot understand HIS words because they cannot hear HIS voice, HIS words. HE said, talking to the Jews, ‘You lack the ability to understand MY words.’ Then if a Jew cannot understand the words of God because he lacks the spiritual connection of a son of God, and has no part in the begatting of the MOST HIGH, then he has no way of interpreting the words of God and no way for teaching the word. So, there is one thing a JEW CANNOT DO and that is ‘teach’ you the program of the Kingdom.

To top this, you cannot go to a denominational church and learn about the program of the Kingdom. Oh, you say, ‘surely they know the Bible, because they went to seminars and they studied.’ Most went to college and a theological seminar and were taught pastoral psychiatry by a Jewish psychiatrist. They were taught to take a text and straightway depart from it. Some of the people think that the Kingdom of God is a facet of the concept of the mind concerning their better instincts and qualifications. Inside the church, they are teaching a pattern of revolution and the policies of man creating his own concept of God.