The Secret Key to Victory

The Secret Key to Victory

NEVER HAS THERE BEEN A PERIOD IN THE THINKING OF YOU AND I THAN THIS PERIOD and the adjusting of our thinking around the nations of the Kingdom in our world than to know, the actual key to survival and victory is for each one of us. We have been speaking to you on your origin and about your spiritual capacity and the things which are most significant for you to know. Thus we turn to the words of the Apostle Paul based on the deep range of experiences that he had. He had experiences most different than other people because he had existed in the earth, he had passed into the dimension of spirit, and then returned to the physical world.

And he knew that he had been in the plains of spirit, but he did not know whether he had been in his body or out of his body. Thus he said, ‘Whether in the spirit or in the body, I cannot tell, but God knows.’ But in this experience he had, it was brought to his consciousness and his remembrance, things which he had known in the plains of spirit before the world was framed. Things which God wanted him to remember and to tell His Household and His children. So within this instance, He had made him a special offer. ‘I will change thy name from Saul to Paul, and although you have been with Me from before the world was framed, and now you have seen them going from all over the Universe and know that I brought you here so that you might remember, and I have brought you here so that you might tell My children, My household, My purpose for the earth. For what I have determined and I have ordained, I shall bring to pass. For the Kingdom which I have established shall rule from one end of the earth to the other. And the nations of My household which are thy kinsmen, shall stand with thee, for I shall put you in the earth again.