The Riders of Revelation

The Riders of Revelation

IN OUR SUBJECT WE ARE READING FROM REVELATION 6: AND JOHN SAW; and behold a White Horse: and he that sat on him had a bow: and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.

When you go into the facts of Bible symbolism, then go into the minds of the prophets since Daniel and Ezekiel, and on down to the revelations by Jesus, as he revealed things to his disciples, and then on down to Revelations, you discover the symbolism of the old and the new testament, and you find that the rider on a white horse is always a symbol of a program fronting as a Peace movement. The white horse is always the emblem and symbol of peace. It was also an institution that was trading on the power to do Peace, and if it had a bow, and showed no quiver of arrows, it was essentially operating as a Peace movement to accomplish other objectives.

Now: we find that the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords is according to the Apostle Paul, YAHSHUA THE CHRIST, and he is not only King of Kings but he is THE PRINCE OF PEACE. But YAHSHUA arrives at his Peace in an entirely different procedure than the so called peace movements of the world. For his Peace is a two fold peace, a Peace for the souls of his household, and for those who will recognize Him for what he is. For having accomplished for them so great an atonement, and for sending them great areas of spiritual Grace, he gives them in their minds and in their hearts Peace that passes all understanding. This Peace creates within them a loss of fear, and opens a new avenue of trust and communication with the Eternal Father.