The Perfect Vision

The Perfect Vision

AS WE TURN TO TALK ABOUT THE ‘PERFECT VISION,’ IT IS MOST IMPORTANT THAT WE UNDERSTAND THE AREAS OF THE MECHANICS OF GOD’S KINGDOM. That we understand what we are here for and how God intends to bring things to pass. The perfect vision would be the coordination of the mind of the individual with the mind of God and the things which relate to HIS environment and HIS impact upon it. To know exactly what God plans to do and then to coordinate our activities with this is to draw the highest areas of operational strength in which a person would have the capacity to deliver the most for God. Today we have many people who love God in an abstract way. They love HIM in a more simple way within the structure of their theology that they have been taught concerning HIM.

They would like to do HIS will, but they have no concept of what that will is. Because of this, we have a problem, which exists today in a great area of Christianity. We have churches by the dozen divided by the names of individual leaders or processes of their operations, or some outstanding point in their theology until we can talk about the many brands and types of Christianity. All of them feel that they are a part of the church. And if they recognize Christ, and are of your race, and do worship HIM, they are a part of the church. Although the problem we have is how much of that church is asleep or misinformed, because they do not have the vision.