The Most Exclusive Club

The Most Exclusive Club

DURING MY 30 ODD YEARS AS A “BELIEVER” and follower of the Lord Jesus Christ I had a continual urge to learn more about what was written for us and how it affected Christians. In the interim, I have studied many different documents and listened to many “learned” teachers. In almost every case the source of the information was the Holy Scriptures. From early childhood I was taught that the King James Version was directly descended from the teachings of the prophets and that anything else was suspect. Where there were points that were just not quite logical and didn’t fit with other known facts the reason was normally given as translation discrepancies or language problems. For a while this sufficed and I went on with the learning process and was “growing” in the knowledge of the purpose of the bible.

However, some of the promises that I found in the scripture didn’t seem to fit into the present day concept of the Jew/Gentile world and indeed many of them could never be fulfilled by the Jew as we know them today. The little nation of Israel, while holding a position of endearment
among most of the evangelical community, had few if any of the traits identified as belonging to the biblical Israel. There were numerous quotations in the Old Testament as well as some of Jesus’ statements that just didn’t mesh with the modern day teachings. Bringing up such subjects as the “lost tribes of Israel” or questioning the propagation of the entire earth and all its various races from Noah and his wife (by the way, her name was Naamah, the daughter of Enoch) alone were certain to get you ostracized in most congregations. So, in addition to the promises I started to study the application of the various covenants, both in the Old and the New Testaments. This brought out the fact that every one of them was directed to a specific person or people and to no one else. The term “Lord God of Israel” is found over a hundred times in the bible and never is he referred to as the “Lord God” of anyone else. That caused me to investigate the quotations where God and/or the prophets spoke and to whom they were Directed.