The Great Pyramid and Our Lord’s Passion

The Great Pyramid and Our Lord’s Passion

THE GREAT PYRAMID’S DIVINE REVELATION DEFINES, in terms of modern astronomical science, the dates of the Birth and Passion of the promised Saviour of humanity. Its symbolical representation has stood for 46 centuries, awaiting the discovery of its confirmation of the many independent traditions and records concerning the purpose of its Revelation. The modern presentation of the astronomical data, defining the dates of the life of the promised Saviour, has remained on record for nearly nine years.

To my own knowledge, several capable scientists, during the past eight years, have endeavoured to find a flaw in the presentation of the scientific principles of demonstration, or an error in the detailed presentation of the astronomical data. The silence of these and other critical investigators, skilled in the mathematical and astronomical elements of the problem, is significant, particularly in view of the world-wide interest and opposition that the Great Pyramid’s Divine Revelation has created and aroused respectively.

The date of the birth of the Saviour of humanity is defined as 6th October (Julian), B.C. 4. The day coincides with the 15th day of the Hebrew month Tisri in B.C. 4, and the 15th of Tisri is the day of the Hebrew Feast of Tabernacles. The Gospel according to John (i, 14, R.V. margin), in referring to our Lord Jesus Christ as “the Light of the World,” therefore says “The Word became flesh and tabernacled among us.”*