The Church – True or False

The Church – True or False

THERE IS NO QUESTION ABOUT THE FACT THAT THE KINGDOM OF GOD is made up of three great division: Nations, Church and Throne. Nor is the fact that these three are found where the western White race exists, because they make up the nations and the body of the Church and the Throne is found in their midst. There is no question of the fact that the Kingdom of the MOST HIGH GOD is to descend upon these who are the offspring, upon the race HE begat the Adamic household which HE called HIS own.

We look out upon the history of the background of our race and we discover that God raised up Patriarchs men who led our forefathers with declarations of truth which God revealed unto them. HE brought unto us the Wise men, the Prophets. And HE brought unto us the background of wisdom and knowledge. For from the beginning of our race, we were writing with script, and recording the records of HIS inspirations. We were recording in scrolls, HIS Holy Word.

There is no question of the fact that HE called Moses to lead the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt or that HE called this household of HIS ‘Israel,’ nation, church and throne. For ‘Israel’ means issue, ruling with HIM. And when HE brought them out of Egypt and took them into their own land after overthrowing the powers of evil in that land of Canaan, HE had already established HIS spiritual centre in the heart of HIS people. HIS congregations of Israel were the True Church of the Old Testament.