Symbols of Spiritual and Political Activity

Symbols of Spiritual and Political Activity

WE ARE TURNING THIS AFTERNOON, TO THE SIGNS OF GREAT SPIRITUAL AND POLITICAL RENAISSANCE IN OUR SOCIETY. We are coming to one of the most important periods of our history. And this is a good sign that there is an awakening in our nation and a bending away from the policies of the left to the right and the great number of people who are coming out of their sleep and being heard audibly through the land. Some years ago, it was hard to find such voices lifted up on freedom, that would have any following or who would listen to them. But today you discover that across this nation there has started a great spiritual stimulant. That from one end of the nation to the other, people are concerned about their nation and its course.

They are concerned by decisions made by leaders and by Presidents, and from Cabinet levels down. They are concerned about policies which do not work out according to the promises of leadership. And they are beginning to suspect that there is a great underground evil in this situation. Experts who have meditated upon this problem and have studied it, have long known the source of degeneration and great problems in many countries. They have long known what was wrong with these United States. But these were the experts and they spoke to themselves. And when they sought to bring this knowledge to the people of the nation, they were referred to as ‘RADICAL or Fanatics or Extremists. And I know that today you are well aware of the use of the word ‘Extreme.’ For in the semantics of the opposition who seek to wage war against God’s Kingdom, its nations, and its race, and its faith, they are seeking today to make the word ‘extreme’ to be one which is looked down upon with ridicule.