Short History of Israel

Short History of Israel

RECENTLY THERE HAS BEEN A RASH OF POSTS, where those who hate Christ but claim they love the white race, rants and raves that the White Race will be destroyed if they don’t turn away from Christianity. This is totally false, turning away from Christ is a sure way to be destroyed, but if they would really worship Christ and not the god of the Jews, the Devil who is their father, the ruler of the Judeo-Christian clergy and those by whatever name they wish to be called.

The history of our race, is not very good, and those detractors have a good case to make. But in their desire to hate Christ and everything Christian, which actually means to follow Christ who is God Himself, that came in a flesh body to dwell among men. They stop when they find something that they think backs up their belief, and don’t really look for the truth for they do not want to find it.

I will in no wise hide the terrible and sorrowful facts that our people have been treacherous, deceitful, and many times twice as bad as the devils children, the Jews. Which proves what Christ said:–