Seventh Commandment Forbids Race Mixing

Seventh Commandment Forbids Race Mixing

THE SEVENTH COMMANDMENT STATES, “Thou shall not commit adultery.” We have been led to believe that means sexual relations with another’s spouse. The Tenth Commandment states, “Thou shall not covet thy neighbour’s wife” nor any other possession of your neighbour. Your minister will tell you, both Commandments mean the same thing. Do you believe, for one moment, that with only Ten Commandments, God would duplicate? No, I do not believe any reasonable person would. If just thinking about it is a sin, then it is only common sense that the actual act is also sin. This makes the Seventh Commandment absolutely superfluous. If God wished to repeat for emphasis as he does many times in the Bible, he would have put the two statements into one Commandment, connected them saying, “Again I say unto you.” The Billy Grahams of the world do not want you to know the true meaning of the Seventh Commandment. WHY? Let us investigate.