Secret History – Court of Charles II Vol 1

Secret History – Court of Charles II Vol 1

THE following work carries with it too great a degree of internal evidence to require the aid of argument to demonstrate its genuineness, or to remove any doubts of its authenticity. It abounds with informa­tion far beyond the reach or researches of any writer, who had not a considerable share in the events which he relates; and who was not admitted, as it were, behind the scenes, to view the machinery of court intrigues, to examine the springs of each political measure, and to assist in managing the wires, that put every state-puppet in motion.

Here alone the materials of history are to be collated. Without an easy access to the secrets of go­vernment the most attentive observer is liable to be dazzled and deceived by the false glare of outward appearances. An artificial splendour surrounds the actions, as well as the thrones thrones of princes, while their cabinets and their councils are hid in almost impenetrable darkness.