Michael Prince of Space

Michael Prince of Space

WE ARE IN THE MIDST OF AN AGE THAT CONSIDERS ITSELF RATHER SOPHISTICATED. It’s advanced so far into the areas in which its technology has guided it that sometimes we are prone to evaluate the Universe we see only as it relates to the material substances we have been able to measure and to mould. There are a great number of people that evaluate all the accomplishes of life by how much of the material things men have been able to gather for themselves personally or for their families and there are men working night and day just for the sheer purpose of seeing how much they can accumulate to pass down throughout the gener­ations to come. From the same standpoint, they may at times recognize spirit­ual values.

There are times when these spiritual values have not been as distinct to their thinking as the substances which they have handled with a par­ticular affinity to the development of resources in the world they live in. we are living in such a highly technical society today that every range and every branch of Science has within it a whole field of operation requiring a virtual college education for that individual field.