Mechanics of The Kingdom

Mechanics of The Kingdom

THIS AFTERNOON, as we are discussing the ‘mechanics of the Kingdom,’ there are a great many people who do not understand God’s purpose in the earth, as it relates to them and to their race, and as to establishing of God’s Kingdom in earth as it is in heaven. Because of this, they do not understand the processes in the revelation of and the purposes of God in the earth. As we have said unto you in the past, that the will of God’s sovereignty and the revelation of it and that which God has determined do, He shall bring to pass.

We have discussed this that as God predetermined, He did predestine, and there were certain things that He was going to do and this is the prerogative of God, because He is God. And this also is important to you and to your understanding because you know in your declaration that the Eternal God is omniscience, and has all power and possesses all abilities. And the very essence of His Spirit holding all things together, is an Omnipresent factor which relates to God and His ever present Universe. And we predicate our thought upon the Eternal nature of our Father, and the very words themselves, as we associate them with these ideas.