Chronology of Major Movements, Ecumenism. Zionism and Pentecostalism

Chronology of Major Movements, Ecumenism. Zionism and Pentecostalism

B.C. – Whit Sunday [Pentecost] was also celebrated by the pagans.
“Whit Sunday was the Druids’ Day of Apollo.” [Owen 187]

“In Scotland, the Term Days were Candlemas (Feb 2), Whitsunday (May 15), Lammas (Aug 1) and Martinmas (Nov 11), until (CDWF) an Act of 1990 changed those dates to Feb/May/Aug/Nov 28th; it seems that in Scotland ‘Whitsunday’!= ‘Whit Sunday’.” [Stockton]

“Whitsun was celebrated in the normal Pagan fashion with games, processions, horse races and feasting. The Whitsun games continued into the high medieval period as the tourneys familiar to all readers of the Arthurian romances, and in modern times in the north of England they survived as local carnivals…” [Pennick 124]