Links in The Chain of Evidence Connecting Israel to England

Links in The Chain of Evidence Connecting Israel to England

A MOVEMENT, originally introduced by Mr. John Wilson, has been furthered by Mr. Edward Hine, Mr. William Carpenter,and other well-known authors. It has for its object the proof of the identification of the Lost Tribes of Israel with the British nation.

The author’s attention was first drawn to the sub­ject through the perusal of Mr. Edward Hine’s pamphlet entitled “Twenty-seven Identifications! He immediately took up the question, with an earnest desire to find the truth, and to investigate, to the best of his ability, the statements which were sub­mitted in support of the theory. The result is this little work, and although it will probably seem crude to some and inconclusive to others, yet the author trusts that it may at least furnish a few stepping‑stones for investigators with firmer and younger feet than his. Influenced as he is by a powerful interest in the question, and by a firm conviction of the iden­tity of the Israelitish and British nations, he felt that it was his duty to make known to his fellow Israelites, however imperfectly he may fulfil his purpose, all he knows of so manifestly important a subject.

The author, in commencing his researches, con­sidered it advisable to select one family, and to endeavour to trace it to its source. Nothing was more natural than to choose the noblest family in the land, and having, as he believes, been successful in tracing the royal line to Judah, he dedicates his work to the Heiress of Judah’s Sceptre.