Letter 89

Letter 89


THIS IS MY EIGHTY-NINTH MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND CONTINUES MY EIGHTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. With this lesson, we’ll continue our defence of the apostle Paul, which I initiated in lesson #88, where recorded history reveals its origin, showing Paul-bashing is nothing new. Most, if not all, of the condemnation of the apostle Paul is based on faulty research establishing flawed premises, and therefore, in the end, fostering spurious conclusions.

Before we get started in our defence of Paul, I would like to demonstrate a case in point where such “spurious conclusions” are misconceived. One such architect of misconceptions is the late Joseph Jeffers, whose perverted theology-factory has been taken over by one Dr. (ha!) Philip B. Evens. Jeffers and company are Paul-bashers extraordinaire. One of Jeffers’ twisted premises is that the Christ of our Bible was a fake and that the true Messiah was “the teacher of righteousness” of Dead Sea Scroll fame. To enforce such a spurious position, he attempts to show that his “teacher of righteousness” lived contemporaneously with Caesar Augustus some 50 years earlier. In Jeffers’ publication, Yahweh Yesterday, Today And Forever, on page 24 he makes the statement: