Let’s Review The Diagnosis

Let’s Review The Diagnosis

YOU MAY BE ONE OF MANY AMERICANS who are concerned by the direction in which the nation is going. Possibly you are discouraged because conditions seem to be worsening despite your efforts to awaken your acquaintances and public officials. When a doctor’s patient fails to respond to treatment, the doctor generally will review his diagnosis. Our patient, the United States, is very sick and obviously not responding to our treatment. So let’s review our diagnosis of the nation’s ills. We may have overlooked something important and a correct diagnosis must precede the cure.

The chaos, which we see in the affairs of men, presents a startling contrast to the harmony in nature and in the heavens. Scientists tell us that our sun is only one of about 200,000,000,000 stars in the galaxy called the Milky Way. They say the Milky Way is but one of billions of huge galaxies. Trillions of suns or stars and their associated planets are whirling through space at incredible speeds, in mathematically precise orbits throughout the universe. Surely this reflects perfect planning. As the Psalmist wrote, “Truly the heavens declare the glory of Yahweh”. While we may marvel at the heavens, we must admit the existence of life and particularly man, the highest form of life, is an even more glorious declaration of the power of Yahweh. Is it reasonable to believe there is no plan for man, Yahweh’s greatest creation? After his creation, man was left alone to wander aimlessly without a specific purpose?