Horror at Neu Stettin

Horror at Neu Stettin

This article was translated from the German by Ingrid Rimland.Comments in heavy black are by Gerry Frederics.
Some months ago Ernst* asked me to do a report on Allied atrocities during and after World War II, and toward that end, he sent me some information, among them a book in German titled, “Alliierte Kriegsverbrechen” – Allied War Crimes.
• This refers to Ernst Zuendel, the famed German Canadian freedom fighter.
I started reading it and underlining certain passages, but not for long-because I realized that I was getting nauseated. It was a compilation of first-person testimony as to what happened when the Allies (particularly the Red Army) started to carve up a prostrated and defeated Germany.
I made several attempts to finish this assignment, but I couldn’t do it. I simply couldn’t do it. Even now, I feel a moral obligation to finish it, but even thinking about it makes my palms clammy and my heart race. People in the West have simply no idea what went on in Europe after the Allies began to push the Germans back – from 1943 on!
I have given the material below a lot of thought as to whether or not I should send it to my ZGram readers. It isn’t pretty reading. It was published recently in Der Freiwillige, June 1995, pages 10-11, under the title In Their Terror All Were Alike, written (or edited) by Hans Koppe.
“. . . Since the same old stories of war crimes allegedly committed by the Germans are being parroted over and over again in prayer-wheel fashion, particularly by the younger generations who are too lazy (or deliberately unwilling) to obtain a real grasp of the subject through the study of documents from the archives of our former enemies’ documents which are both accessible and irrefutable – we wish to call to mind the following report which first appeared 30 years ago in the Deutschland Journal of April 23, on p. 7 of issue 17.