

WITH ALL THE TEACHING TODAY BY THE SO‑CALLED “MINISTERS” OF AMERICA ABOUT A CHRISTIAN ACCEPTING CHRIST AND THEN GOING TO HEAVEN. There is so much of it you would think that there would be at least “one” verse of scripture that would clearly state that a Christian goes to Heaven when he dies.

Now, when asked this question; the first response received was one who quoted part of the verse, “We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.” (2 Corinthians 5:8).

And when we responded he seemed to be quite put out that we did not fall all over our self and agree with him. But responded that; if he would study the verse he made reference to he would find that it had nothing to do with dying and then being immediately present with the Lord, but that I was trying to make him accept my beliefs.

Then there is some dispute, in ecclesiastical circles, whether the kingdom of Yahweh, so often mentioned by Yahshua, is to be on EARTH or only in heaven. This is based on the above scripture and Matthew, and is only used by him, of the phrase the Kingdom of heaven.

Neither Mark, Luke nor John refer to the kingdom of heaven, but only to the kingdom of Yahweh. Even Matthew uses as an equivalent phrase, the kingdom of Yahwe, four times in Matthew 6:33; 12:28; 21:32 and 21:43. In Matthew 13:43 and 26:29 Yahshua speaks of the kingdom of their Father and My Father’s kingdom. Both of these phrases obviously being equivalent to the kingdom of Yahweh. There is clearly no distinction between the kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of Yahweh. Then why were the two phrases used?