God’s Strategy For Global Victory

God’s Strategy For Global Victory

WE ARE TURNING TONIGHT IN OUR THINKING ABOUT GOD’S KINGDOM and we are talking about God’s strategy for global victory. And we think it is important for people to understand that in this crisis hour in which we live, is not surprising God. There is nothing taking place upon the earth which is a surprise to God. And there is nothing that is happening which HE has not already declared through the lips of HIS prophets. Nor is there any strategy which declares the victory which shall come to pass which HE has not already pointed out to us. And HE has made it clear that such a victory shall be accomplished. We are well aware of the seriousness of some of the things which have come to pass.

An individual who is not aware of the content of this Book, will look out as any intelligent American with great gravity upon the world situation and he is struck with inner fears as he has watched this great nation of God’s Kingdom, this great Republic with its Constitution and it guarantees of those Rights, and with the formation and the establishment of Liberty. The individual realized that we are a nation of States and State Rights. And that we had certain assurances to which we were committed and to which were to be preserved in this nation of free men.

Who realized that unfair taxation would never develop in a nation like ours. Knowing that these things were the heritage of this nation, he now surveys the situation in our times, that our nation which signed the Declaration of Independence was no longer an independent nation. It had joined itself to an organization of world government. It had surrendered some of its sovereignty. It was being trapped day after day to surrender more of its sovereignty. Such an American, might meet great consternation as he looked at the attitude of the public concerning many of these situations.