George Viereck

George Viereck

Every American today is a victim of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s policies. Inflation, the vast and inextinguishable debt, the vicious group of international revolutionaries still ensconced in the highest echelons of government; these and many other ills can be traced directly to the reign of King Franklin the First. Malevolence and megalomania were the
hallmarks of Roosevelt’s relationships with others. One of his many victims was the poet, George Sylvester Viereck.

Viereck’s father was the results of a liaison between Kaiser Wilhelm I and Edwina Viereck, an actress who was called the most beautiful woman in Europe. In his room at the Hotel Belleclaire, Viereck kept a marble bust of his grandmother which did justice to her fame. Because of this kinship, Viereck was customarily addressed as “cousin” by Kaiser Wilhelm II and other members of European royalty. With this entree, he was received everywhere, and he conducted many widely published interviews with such luminaries as Henry Ford, Lloyd George, Hitler and many others.

Viereck’s volumes of poetry were given front page reviews in the New York Times Book section, and his poem, “Nineveh,” describing New York City, was President Theodore Roosevelt’s favourite verse. “Teddy” carried a copy in his wallet and loved to haul it out and read it to visitors. During the 1920’s and 1930’s, Viereck was one of the most popular and highly paid journalists in America, featured weekly in the Saturday Evening Post, Liberty, and other mass circulation magazines.