Far Beyond The Stars

Far Beyond The Stars

I AM DELIGHTED TO WRITE A FOREWORD to this book FAR BEYOND THE STARS written by Walter Seaman, a friend of many years.

In the contemporary world, the minds of all thinking people are being stretched as never before in a multitude of directions because almost daily some extension of dis­covery in so many different ‘fields’ are knocking at the doors, ruthlessly demanding our attention. The result is that today we are more confused in our thinking than were those who preceded us. There is a story told of two saintly clerics both famed for their intelligence and for their ‘other worldliness’, but the difference between them was that one of them had his feet firmly on the ground but the other had not. Walter Seaman’s FAR BEYOND THE STARS is a highly intelligent attempt to relate the realistic facts of today’s world, especially in the realm of what is actually happening, to that which is beyond the scope of purely material understanding but which, deep in our innermost being as thinkers, we are convinced exists in ways we cannot grasp.