Evangelicals Who Serve The Anti-Christ

Evangelicals Who Serve The Anti-Christ

I AM A CHRISTIAN. I MUST ALSO STATE THAT I AM TOLERANT OF OTHER RELIGIOUS BELIEFS, and I am committed to the right of people to have and practice whatever religious belief they so choose. Freedom of thought, conscience, belief and speech is fundamental to traditional European communities. I oppose religious intolerance, just as I oppose political tyranny and the suffocating encroachment of world government. Although Europe has suffered from times of political and religious oppression, Western civilization from its classical roots in Greece and Rome to modern Europe has been the most ardent defender of freedom of thought and conscience. It is no accident that the most isolated pocket of ancient Europeans, Iceland, has the longest standing parliament in the world.
I seldom delve into religious matters, as I don’t have the honour of being a pastor or priest. However, policies of the Christian churches are critical to the well-being of European Americans as the overwhelming majority of Europeans are Christian as I am. Organized Christian churches have dramatic influence on our society, especially in America. On some matters, I feel I must speak out both as a Christian and as a European American.