Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 82

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 82

The Secrets of The Holy Lance

THERE ARE TRULY MORE THINGS IN HEAVEN AND ON EARTH THAN MAN HAD DREAMT. Professor Karl Hanshofer, 1943 (How true, How true) This will be possibly a strange tape for you, but remember that we are in the period when knowledge is coming forth fast. Hope I can keep up with it.

As you know there was a Lance, a spear that was used to pierce the side of YAHSHUA (Jesus) as He hung on the Cross. This caused the blood and the water from the body of The Christ to touch the earth. Symbolically this was necessary as a symbol of the cleansing of the earth in due time. It was not spirit which flowed onto earth, but the breaking of the water is also the route into physical birth and later the route to Baptism.