Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 61

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 61

THIS IS A STUDY OF THE ANTIQUITY OF THE ORACLES OF THE OLD TESTAMENT TIME, AND EXPLANATIONS OUT OF THE OLD BIG BOOK, and also from the tape ministry of Dr. Swift. This is a tremendous subject when understood for there is great spiritual power in the Oracles of God.

Actually the Oracles contain certain vital truths which the Most High has proclaimed to His Kingdom people here in earth. The Oracles were what YAHWEH told his people, including areas vital to the laws of the Kingdom, in the hands of his people. The Oracles were definitely a spiritual revelation, they were all the deep and spiritual truths, the areas of spiritual law, the areas of instruction for conquest over the enemy and so forth. Here in the old big book as they try to unravel these wonders of Antiquity there is some translation by H. Blavatsky, and the Jesuits were here in translation so you have to walk carefully.

However even here it is admitted that originally ‘the Oracles’ were a part of the mysteries as established by Enoch. You still see the ancient symbolism even when the Oracles became somewhat corrupted. Greek Mythology displayed the teaching of the Oracles, and then Satanic powers tried to claim they possessed supernatural powers in their Oracles although they used familiar spirits in their portrayals. The Children of Darkness then tried to claim that their Oracles were connected with ‘The Ark of the Covenant’ of the Hebrews.