Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 51

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 51

NOW THAT THE EASTER EGGS HAVE BEEN FOUND, THE BUNNY RABBITS FORGOTTEN, the many pageants performed, and great pilgrimages made…all in the name of Jesus Christ…we hope you had a quiet and happy RESURRECTION DAY and thought a bit about the significance of the work on the Cross which our Savior did for us. Did you think as to why this was necessary? Did you consider the significance of ‘The Cup’ at the last supper, and later in the Garden of Gethsemane as HE drank that cup of clear water? All of this was a part of the significance of ‘The Cup’___’The Cross’…for on that Cross YAHWEH in a human body as YAHSHUA-Savior told you that this part of the Great Mosaic was now finished. Thus it was that this then is a time to remember the past for sure but to also look forward to the future.

Don’t keep Him on the Cross for that work is done, look forward to the future for HE with that Cross renewed the covenant with us, and also made a new covenant with the House of Judah, and the House of Israel. This covenant did not depend on Israel keeping the ritual of the law, this was behind them, this covenant was because of the LOVE of the Father for His children, and only depends on His keeping of the covenant, for we can be disobedient children but still children even in chastisement.