Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 191

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 191

What’s Next? (Part 1)

AS WE MOVE THROUGH NOVEMBER AND INTO DECEMBER YOU ASKED: WHAT’S NEXT? As always we must turn to the scriptures for the outline of events. We then remember that we have read: “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” The Apostle Paul then said: “Liberty is given unto us concerning this. Therefore stand fact in this liberty where Christ has made us free. Someone always says, but of course this is talking about transgression, things that are evil, and we are to be building a Brotherhood with all people, all nations, so that we can all go to heaven and not to hell.

We would suggest that we come down to earth and wake up, for did you ever know of any bondage that did not come through transgression, the violation of Divine law, or even national law? That is the way bondage comes. Thus when you are set free from sin, from this thinking wrong, then you will be free indeed. The Apostle Paul advised: “Be not confirmed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Thus you have to think free before we can live free.