Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 17

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 17

QUESTION: Who is Nicodemus of John chapter 3, who came to Jesus at night? How does he tie in with the other disciples for he came with Joseph of Arimathea later after the cross?

ANSWER: Since we have done the topic ‘Born Again’ and twice born people, and their differences will tell you here what we know about Nicodemus, and others of this close knit group of YAHSHUA’S ministry other than Joseph of Arimathea who we have spoken of before also.

In the time of YAHSHUA’S ministry there were several wealthy Israelite families living in Judea. In Jerusalem itself was the home of the father and mother of Mark who wrote one of the four Gospels of our Bible. This was a large home in the centre of the city, on Mt. Zion. It had more than one story and it was in the upper room of this house where the Passover supper was eaten. Here many times the upper room was used when the disciples or YAHSHUA came to Jerusalem. The mother of John Mark became a great hostess, and her home was known as the House of Mary. And this Mary is the 4th listed, Mary, in the Scriptures.